Enrichment Programs

Supporting children’s learning through dedicated music, language & culture, community building, and artist-in-residence programs

Music with Laura

Music supports children’s learning across all aspects of development—including cognitive, language, physical and social-emotional.

The benefits of music for babies & children

When listening to music, very young children and babies unintentionally differentiate things such as frequency, tone and melody.

They unscramble the different parts of music and then build up a mental organisation system to memorise it. Without this exposure in their earliest of years they never build this important mental filing system.

Music also helps build intimacy which brains love. There is also some evidence that it can boost our immune system!

Sharing the love of music through a dedicated a music program for all

Laura’s interactive music classes enhances all the goodness of exposing children to music.

The program helps children grow into the musical beings they were born to be by reaching developmental and educational milestones with more ease, less stress, and long-lasting effects.


The music classes are held for every child during each school term, at no additional cost.

Learn how to enrol your child at Poets Grove

Language and Culture with Dani

We view culture in the context of family and the wider community as central to a child’s sense of being, belonging, and successful lifelong learning.

The benefits of language and culture for babies & children

The Culture and Language program sparks cultural curiosity and empathy, as well as provide ways to enrich early literacy skills.

Sharing the love of language and culture through storytelling

Dani delivers a combination of stories, games or activities in each classroom, connecting the story or activity from another culture or country.

The choice of story or activity takes various forms depending on the children's interest, ability level, and each group's goals.

Being culturally responsive includes a genuine commitment to embed First Nations and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in all aspects of the curriculum.

Dani exposes the children to many different ways of learning about First Nations and Torres Strait Islander peoples through her passion and connection with the local Indigenous community.


The language and culture classes are held for every child during each school term, at no additional cost.

Learn how to enrol your child at Poets Grove

Coming Together Program

Our planned and purposeful Coming Together Program creates opportunities for all the children to be with each other, so they can learn together

The benefits of building a sense of community

All of the children from each room come together in the afternoons to form valuable connections with each other.

This helps to develop:

  • children’s higher order thinking through sustained interactions with peers and teachers, and

  • promotes their sense of accountability and responsibility (as they learn to pack away).

When children play with other children and interact with adults they create relationships and friendships, test out ideas, challenge, challenge each others thinking, and build new understandings.

Shared outdoor play spaces encourage learning

Children learn dramatic play, storytelling, and different individual and collective art experiences in the outdoor play spaces.


The Coming Together program is held for every child each afternoon, at no additional cost.

Learn how to enrol your child at Poets Grove

Artist in Residence Program

The arts offers children significant ways of knowing about themselves, others and the world. We encourage art appreciation so children can grow up understanding cultural diversity within the communities we live, work and play.

The benefits of our artist in resident program

Imagine believing that children have the ability to express themselves in more than one way. Now times that by 100! Through art, children learn infinite ways to express, explore, and connect their thoughts, feelings and imaginings.

Creative collaboration through active learning

We celebrate artists from different disciplines through a transdisciplinary approach. This means the artist, educators, and children are all engaging and exchanging with each other throughout the creative partnership.

Each year the children explore a different art concept taught by a different artist. Our workshops encourage children to learn art techniques, materials, processes and concepts through active participation.

Our Annual Artist in Residence Exhibition

Children’s artworks are celebrated through an annual Artist in Residence exhibition. Members of the community come together to appreciate the value and relevance of art in our lives.


The artist in residence programs are held for every child during each school term, at no additional cost.

Learn how to enrol your child at Poets Grove.

Learn how to enrol your child at Poets Grove Family & Children’s Centre